About Me

Hi! My name is Anil, at the time of writing this I am 24 years old. Check out my story below about my condition and finding my ultimate purpose of living life.

My Story ✍️

Prior to my diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) I grew up not knowing I had it and even my parents didn’t know. Also, as I was the third child (first boy) it was slightly unlikely. Of course we eventually found out that boys were mostly affected and how it can be passed down in the family.

Moving on, I started to go to nursery as any child would. I don’t remember much, but I do remember walking with my mother to school. A few months later, my mother would receive a phone call from school telling her that I kept falling frequently and was moving much slower than other kids. This was a serious concern for them and they suggested I should be checked out. At this point, it was clear what was wrong with me. I was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

From this point on, my future was full of questions and uncertainty, as I didn’t know how it would effect me. From that point on I continued to move forward. I would experience being wheelchair bound and weak whilst enjoying my primary school days.

When the time was right I would later make my transition to my new special needs school. Going to this school helped me become who I am today and gave me the confidence to become independent as a disabled person. I am the person today because of this experience. I believe my disability has taught me many valuable life lessons and has helped shape the person I am today. My future may not be clear, I may have a disability but this will not stop me from achieving my dreams.

My Purpose 💪

I know COVID-19 was devastating but I believe I found my purpose during this period. During the isolation period, like many I felt extremely bored and depressed. I wanted to find something to do. Again like many there was TikTok 😂 here I started to create ‘not so serious’ videos with my siblings.

At the same time I began to follow many Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy pages. I came to the realisation that not many we’re talking about DMD, there just wasn’t enough awareness and exposure. It was at this point I decided that I wanted to get involved and make an impact. I believe every video or content I post is somehow contributing towards the ultimate goal of finding a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. COVID-19 has started something and it’s only just begun.

The DMD Guy 🧑‍🦼

The name is definitely unique and relatable for many as it stands for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Not sure how I thought of it but it was always on the table. I say I’m The DMD Guy but I’m not the only one.

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