Finding my purpose

Sharing is caring!

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I haven’t posted much recently apart from my reels 🤣 I thought I’ll use this moment to talk about how I believe I found my true purpose in life during this pandemic.

During the isolation period like many I felt extremely bored and depressed. I wanted to find something to do. Again like many there was TikTok 😂 here I started to create ‘not so serious’ videos with my siblings. At the same time I began to follow many Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy pages. Here I came to the realisation that there was awareness for DMD however, there just wasn’t enough. It was at this point I decided that I wanted to get involved and make an impact. Contribute with other fellow Muscular Dystrophy people. I have met so many great people of the community here and many I look up to.

I believe every video or content I post is somehow contributing towards the ultimate goal of finding a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, even if it’s a tiny percentage. The same way others are contributing. COVID-19 has started something and it’s only just begun. My new name is definitely unique and relatable for many as it stands for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Hope it’s not too obvious 😅

Not sure how I thought of it but it was always on the table. I say I’m The DMD Guy but I’m not the only one. I’m sure like many, one day I would like the community to look back into the past and say there used to be a life threatening disease called Muscular Dystrophy 💪

That’s my TED talk done, thanks for reading 😁

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