My COVID 19 experience

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Thought I’d share my Covid-19 experience. Back in early January me and my family had tested positive. This was a tough challenge to face, physically and emotionally. This was also very frustrating as I had been shielding for almost a year due to being ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ I felt I did my best shielding but it wasn’t enough.

So one morning I woke up feeling weird, not myself. Difficult to describe but I never felt like that before. From that point, I knew something was wrong so I decided to isolation in my room away from family. We also ordered a test just in case and was positive. Eventually, the whole family had it as they were exposed to me before feeling unwell.

Around day 8, I started to cough and started to develop a congested chest. Now, this was concerning as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy tends to weaken the lungs and the ability to cough. I could hear my chest cracking as I coughed. Luckily, I was able to get something prescribed for it to help. This helped me clear out the airways, during this time I lost my taste and appetite.

Near the end of recovery, I felt really weak and fatigued. As I started to cough less I was relieved to know that I was finally getting better. Eventually, everyone had fully recovered.

I want to thank my family, especially my sister who provided care whilst having covid as well. Also, friends who collected medication and essentials for us.

Covid is real and should be taken seriously. I am really lucky and grateful my symptoms were minor.

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