The DMD Guy’s World Duchenne Awareness Day Fundraiser (Completed)

Sharing is caring!

Me and my sister going Live on TikTok

Just wanted to thank everyone who tuned in to my TikTok Live or read anything I had posted for World Duchenne Awareness Day. Also just wanted to confirm in total we have raised just over £200 with our justgiving link! My chosen charity was Muscular Dystrophy UK. We decided to keep the link up for a few more days (Closed now) but overall I was happy with what we did 🧡 Obviously the original plan was to try getting a lot of Twitch streamers but that was a bit difficult. But maybe in the future this could be attempted again 😊

Last year I just posted about World Duchenne Awareness Day with a picture but yesterday we went Live 💪 I always wanted to do more.

Last year’s World Duchenne Awareness Day

Thank you to my sister for setting everything up and joining for 3 hours with me. It was fun. I enjoyed chatting with the community and raising awareness for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I hope to get more involved with Muscular Dystrophy and raise awareness throughout the year. I’m not done🎈

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